On behalf of Dr. Warren Latham (Course Chair) and the Planning Committee of the COFAS Foot and Ankle Cadaver Course, we would like to invite your organization to participate as a sponsor at this year’s program.
The COFAS Foot and Ankle Cadaver Course will take place May 4, 2025 at the University of Ottawa, Skills and Simulation Centre. The course will feature an exciting and engaging surgical skills lab, as well as ample interactive networking opportunities. Event sponsorship provides institutions and organizations with high visibility and interaction with participants. Funding provided assists in the development of an engaging and exciting event for all. For a full list of the benefits included with the various levels of sponsorship, please see the details below.
The Canadian Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society (COFAS) was formed in June of 2002 at the combined meeting of the Canadian and American Orthopaedic Associations. Since then, COFAS has fostered numerous initiatives related to education, research and advocacy related to surgical foot and ankle care. Learn more.
Space in the surgical skills lab is extremely limited, secure your spot today!
Sponsorship opportunities for the surgical skills lab are full. Please contact Sheena Levesque, Lead Coordinator, to be notified about future editions of this program.
- 2 Complimentary Badges for Lab Representatives
- 1 Champion Badge for Station Support
- 1 Station in both the morning and afternoon surgical skills lab with proprietary equipment.
- 1 five minute rapid presentation (satellite session)
- Acknowledgement on/in:
- course website
- rotating slides
- course app
- welcome emails
To confirm your organization’s support, please contact Sheena Levesque, Lead Coordinator, COFAS Food and Ankle Cadaver Lab.