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Sponsorship Opportunities
To confirm your support, please complete the sponsorship agreement form

On behalf of Dr. J Pollock and Dr. Peter Lapner, Course Co-Chairs of the 2025 CSES Resident Course, we would like to invite your organization to participate as a sponsor at this year’s program.

The CSES Resident Course is returning to Ottawa and will be taking place January 30 - February 1, 2025. This annual course promises to attract an intimate gathering of PGY 5 Residents from Canadian orthopaedic training programs and Upper Extremity Fellowships. The course will feature exciting and engaging presentations and interactive networking opportunities. Event sponsorship provides institutions and organizations with high visibility and interaction with participants. Funding provided assists in the development of an engaging and exciting event for all.  For a full list of the benefits included with the various levels of sponsorship, please see the details below. 

To confirm your support, please complete the sponsorship agreement form

Questions? Please contact Sheena Levesque (sheena.levesque@uottawa.ca), Lead Coordinator, CSES Resident Course. 

Platinum Sponsorship ($30,000)

  • Three day premium table display at the University of Ottawa, Skills and Simulation Centre
  • 5 Exhibitor Badges for Onsite Representatives
  • 4 Stations in Skills Lab*
  • 5 Tickets to the Welcome Reception on January 30, 2025
  • 5 Tickets to the Course Dinner on January 30, 2025
  • Ability to share 25 minute pre-recorded presentation with participants
  • Acknowledgement in: 
    • course website
    • rotating slides
    • course app
    • welcome emails

Gold Sponsorship ($19,000)

  • Three day preferred table display at the University of Ottawa, Skills and Simulation Centre
  • 3 Exhibitor Badges for Onsite Representatives
  • 2 Stations in Skills Lab*
  • 3 Tickets to the Welcome Reception on January 30, 2025
  • Acknowledgement in: 
    • course website
    • rotating slides
    • course app
    • welcome emails

Silver Sponsorship ($15,000)

  • Three day table display at the University of Ottawa, Skills and Simulation Centre
  • 2 Exhibitor Badges for Onsite Representatives
  • 1 Station in Skills Lab*
  • 2 Tickets to the Welcome Reception on January 30, 2025
  • Acknowledgement in: 
    • course website
    • rotating slides
    • course app
    • welcome emails

Bronze Sponsorship ($7,000)

  • One day table display at the University of Ottawa, Skills and Simulation Centre
  • 1 Exhibitor Badges for Onsite Representatives
  • Acknowledgement in: 
    • course website
    • rotating slides
    • course app
    • welcome emails

*Lab access is allocated on a first come first served basis. Organizations will have the ability to choose the date(s) which they would like to be present for in the labs. Organizations can have a maximum of 3 stations per lab. While we try to accommodate all requests (ie: proctor assignment, booth location, etc), we can not guarantee that all  requests will be accommodated.

To confirm your support, please complete the sponsorship agreement form
