The Local Organizing Committee welcomes you to the 36th International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors (ICPS) to be held at the Shaw Convention Centre, Ottawa, Canada, July 28-August 2 2024. ICPS is a flagship conference of the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics Commission on Semiconductors (C8). ICPS has a long tradition of bringing together scientists from around the globe working in this active and exciting field with great societal impact. The ICPS meeting is the premier forum for reporting all aspects of semiconductor physics including their electronic, structural, optical, magnetic and transport properties. The conference will reflect the state-of-the-art in semiconductor physics as the basis for technology which currently permeates all our lives. In addition, recognizing current drive and public excitement in quantum, we plan to make quantum technology an important component of ICPS in 2024.
The Ottawa Shaw Centre is located in the center of beautiful Ottawa, Canada’s Capital, at the junction of the Ottawa, Rideau and Gatineau rivers, with the view of the Parliament, National Art Centre, Chateau Laurier, Rideau canal and within walking distance to many museums, galleries and restaurants.
We encourage you to save the dates in your calendar and register your expression of interest today to be kept up to date with the latest information and program news.
We look forward to welcoming you to ICPS 2024 in Ottawa, Canada.
The Local Organizing Committee:
Pawel Hawrylak- University of Ottawa (Conference Chair), Guy Austing- NRC (Program Chair), Hang Chi - University of Ottawa, Dan Dalacu- NRC, Angela Gamouras- NRC, Louis Gaudreau- NRC, James Gupta- University of Ottawa, Karin Hinzer- University of Ottawa, Marek Korkusinski- NRC, Jacob Krich- University of Ottawa, Adina Luican-Mayer- University of Ottawa, Jean-Michel Ménard- University of Ottawa, Khaled Mnaymneh- NRC, Andy Sachrajda-NRC, Niall Tait- Carleton University, Li-Lin Tay- NRC.