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ACL Rehabilitation Cases - Dr. Taryn Taylor

Thursday, September 26, 2024
11:30 AM - 12:30 PM


Dr. Alicia Kerrigan, Dr. Mo Alzahrani, Dr. Matt Jordan, Dave Foley


Persistent Effusion - Presented by Dr. Mo Alzahrani Extension Lag - Presented by Dr. Alicia Kerrigan Quad Lag - Presented by Mr. Dave Foley RTP Cases- Presented by Dr. Matt Jordan Recognize the impact, and benefits of pre-habilitation; Recognize the parameters for return to play after ACL surgery; Recognize and recall the management of complications seen in the rehabilitation of ACL


Mo Alzahrani

Persistent Effusion

Dave Foley

Quad Lag

Matt Jordan

RTP Cases

Alicia Kerrigan

Extension Lag

Taryn Taylor

