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Advancing sexual health services through technology and innovation - GetaKit, Sex it Smart and more!

Wednesday, November 6, 2024
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM


Speakers Include: Dr. Nicole Scherling, Sexual Health Services, Ottawa Public Health Mia McDonald NP, Lauren Orser RN, Sexual Health Services, Ottawa Public Health

Session Details

This session focuses on providing comprehensive sexual health services in primary care. Information on self-collected extragenital testing for gonorrhea and chlamydia will be covered, as well as guidance on how to provide appropriate STI testing for men who have sex with men. In addition, we will discuss OPH sexual health programs, including how to obtain no-cost STI treatments at your clinics, STBBI testing services, healthcare provider resources, low cost/no cost contraception, and free condoms - with services provided in a fixed setting, mobile outreach, mailout and more. Session Objectives include: 1. Increased knowledge of client self-collected gonorrhea and chlamydia testing at your clinic, 2. Increased opportunity for primary care providers and offices to access no cost sexual health treatments and free condoms for your clinic, 3. Increase awareness of Sexual Health Clinic services for low cost/no cost contraception and emergency contraception, 4. Have a deeper understanding of low barrier Sexual Health programs and services, including GetaKit, 5. Increased knowledge about approaches to STI testing for men who have sex with men in primary care settings
