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Navigating the Emotional Rollercoaster: A Lived Experience Journey Through Stroke Care

Friday, September 27, 2024
8:10 AM - 8:55 AM
118 CDE


Presented By: Mr. & Mrs. Ian and Christine Whitecross

Session Details

By the end of this session, participants will be able to: 1. Share insight into the emotional journey experienced from the initial ambulance call through hyperacute and acute care and to rehabilitation and community reintegration. 2. Discuss the successes and challenges encountered through the journey. 3. Share opportunities for learning and growth identified along the way.


Mr. Ian Whitecross
Stroke Survivor

Mr. Ian Whitecross


Mr. Ian Whitecross is a Veteran of the Canadian Armed Forces. He was diagnosed around 2009 with APLS, and was asked to be a part of a clinical Trial for Xarelto in 2015, up until then he had been on Warfarin. Ian suffered a stroke in December 2022, which was likely a result of being on Xarelto. Ian has lead a healthy life, never smoked or consumed alcohol and was a fitness instructor in the military. His father had a massive stroke at 43 and Passed away at 50, and both older brothers had massive strokes who have each passed from their conditions. Ian wants to get back to his active Lifestyle and has been working hard at his recovery.
Mrs. Christine Whitecross
Speaker And Panelist
Stroke Caregiver

Mrs. Christine Whitecross


Mrs. Christine Whitecross is a Veteran of the Canadian Armed Forces. She had been a caregiver to her husband Ian since his stroke in 2022, and has been at his side every day during his recovery journey. Chris is hoping to encourage more dialogue with family.