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Call for Sponsors

Stroke is the third largest killer of Canadian adults and the primary cause of physical disabilities. With the growing number of patients surviving stroke plus the increasing number of strokes projected among the aging population the demand for stroke services is on the rise. Opportunities
exist to better support stroke awareness, prevention, care, treatment and recovery.

On behalf of the Program Committee, we would like to invite you to participate in the 7th edition Ottawa Stroke Summit taking place on Friday, September 27, 2024 at the Ottawa Conference & Event Centre.

The Ottawa Stroke Summit is an engaging day-long educational event organized by the Champlain Regional Stroke Network and partners, and accredited by the University of Ottawa’s Department of Continuing Professional Development. This Summit promises to attract a significant representation of physicians and allied healthcare professionals from across the continuum of stroke care, and will feature exciting and engaging keynote presentations, concurrent sessions, and multiple networking opportunities.

Conference sponsorship provides institutions and organizations with high visibility and a chance to engage with participants in an intimate setting.

Ottawa Stroke Summit 2024 Sponsorship Prospectus 

Questions? Please contact Kristen McCoy, Lead Conference Planner, at kmccoy@uottawa.ca  



