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Her Last Project – A film by Rosvita Dransfeld

Her Last Project is the extraordinary story of Dr. Shelly Sarwal, a physician from Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. Diagnosed with Multiple System Atrophy (MSA), an incurable disease, Shelly chose to undergo the recently legalized Medical Assistance in Dying (MAID) procedure and become an organ donor. As the first person in Nova Scotia to undergo this complicated medical journey, she dedicated the short time she had left on this earth to educate health professionals and the general public about being in control of your death and creating a meaningful legacy through organ donation.   

Cameras documented the process, from meeting with doctors and having her organs assessed to celebrating her life with loved ones. After saying goodbye to her closest friends with toast and tea, she died peacefully, with her husband at her side. Shelly’s organ donation saved three lives and she donated her brain to research.

The screening will be followed by a Q&A session led by Donation after MAiD experts. Get a sneak peek of the documentary, by checking out the trailer and by visiting Her Last Project website for additional information.

Screening sponsored by Canadian Blood Services


Date & Location

May 1, 2025
4:30pm - 6:30pm
Sheraton Wall Centre (1000 Burrard St, Vancouver, BC V6Z 2R9)

This program will be offered in person only.


Registration Rates

