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Register now!

Register by August 5, 2024 and save! Early bird rate ends on August 5, 2024.
Online registration closes September 24, 2024 at 11:59PM. Onsite registration will be available September 26 and 27, 2024.


Full Conference Rates 

  • Physician Early Bird Rate: $575 +HST
  • Resident Early Bird Rate: $285 +HST
  • Allied Healthcare Provider Early Bird Rate: $285 +HST
  • Physician Standard Rate: $625 +HST
  • Resident Standard Rate: $315 +HST
  • Allied Healthcare Provider Standard Rate: $315 +HST

One Day Rates 

  • Physician Early Bird Rate: $350 +HST
  • Resident Early Bird Rate: $175 +HST
  • Allied Healthcare Provider Early Bird Rate: $175 +HST
  • Physician Standard Rate: $400 +HST
  • Resident Standard Rate: $285 +HST
  • Allied Healthcare Provider Standard Rate: $285 +HST

Social Activity
Included in your symposium registration fee is a ticket to the Welcome Reception, taking place September 26, 2024 from 16:45-18:00 at the Brookstreet Hotel. 
Guest tickets are available for purchase at a rate of $50 +HST. 

Cancellation Policy
Refunds less $75 administrative charge will be issued provided cancellation requests are received in writing by August 5, 2024. No refunds will be issued for cancellations received after that date All refunds will be processed after the event.
