Will the lectures be recorded for post-course viewing?

Yes! All approved lectures will be recorded and available through the EventsAIR portal post-course. Simply use your same log in information, click the session you want to watch and press play! The lectures will be available for 3 months.

Will speaker PDFs be available to view and download?

Yes! All approved PDFs will be available through the EventsAIR portal post-course. Simply click the session you would like to watch, click 'Handouts' and download the PDF. The PDFs will be available for 3 months.

How do I log onto the EventsAir portal to participate?

Your login information will be emailed to you prior to the course date with the email you registered with. Once received, simply click the automatic login link which will bring you to the EventsAIR platform. If you have troubles or did not receive your login information at least 5 days prior to the course start date, please contact ottawaradcme@toh.ca.

Recording attendance: how will you record attendance and when will we receive our course certificate?

In order to be eligible to receive your CME credits as a virtual participant, you are required to view the LIVE stream of the sessions. Those eligible will receive a PDF certificate of completion within two weeks post-course. Should you watch the recordings post-course, credits may be eligible, however, we strongly recommend you speak with your association.

Evaluations: when and how will they appear?

Following each session, there will be an opportunity to complete a session specific evaluation. It will pop up on your screen once you indicate that you would like to leave that session. Should you be unable to complete the session evaluation at that time, it will reappear when you login post-course. To prompt it to reappear, click on the session, watch the video recording and you indicate that you want to leave that session. Please note you are unable to edit your submissions. Attendees have the chance to fill out the evaluations post-course. 

Non-refundable Registration

Fees are non-refundable. HST tax 13% is applicable on all fees (subject to change). Only credit card payment is accepted. Payment must be received at the time of registration for confirmation of enrollment. 

Error in when processing payment (Troubleshooting)

If you experience a billing error during your payment, please confirm the following: Please do not include special characters such as: . - # / ( ) * etc. in your contact or mailing details.

uOttawa Department of Radiology, Radiation Oncology and Medical Physics

P: (613) 798-8899 x72084

© 2023 uOttawa Department of Radiology, Radiation Oncology and Medical Physics. All rights reserved.