Terms and Conditions

Consent to use photographic, video and audio recordings 

You are participating in an event during which the University of Ottawa will be taking photographs, recording video or making audio recordings. The photographs, videos and audio recordings will be used for University activities, at its events and in promotional material, in both print and electronic format, including on the Internet via the University’s website or social media websites (“Purpose”). The photographs, videos and audio recordings produced may contain your recognizable image, which is considered personal information. The University is authorized to collect personal information under the University of Ottawa Act, 1965, and in compliance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. This purpose of this form is a) to notify you that your personal information is being collected and b) to obtain your permission for the University or the users of its online searchable image bank to use photographs, videos or audio recordings that contain your recognizable image or voice, along with your name, in material promoting the University, whether in print, in electronic format or on the Internet.

Participant’s consent 

I UNDERSTAND that the photographs, videos or audio recordings of me may be circulated widely and that, if posted on the University of Ottawa’s website, in its online searchable image bank or on any other websites, they will be available to the public. I also understand that the University has no control over, and is not responsible for, the use or misuse of materials available on its website, including any photographs, videos or audio recordings of me. FOR THE PURPOSE STATED ABOVE, I CONSENT to be photographed, video recorded and audio recorded by the University of Ottawa or its authorized representatives. I ALSO GIVE MY PERMISSION to the University of Ottawa, to its representatives and to users of the University’s online searchable image bank to use, reproduce, publish, transmit, distribute, broadcast and display photographs, videos or audio recordings that contain my image or voice, with or without my name associated with them. In any current or future University of Ottawa material, publications, multimedia productions, video, displays, advertisements and on the University’s website, social media website and other current or future media, without further notice to me or without my approval of the finished photographs, videos or audio recordings.

Recorded Content Disclaimer

The online courses, webinars and other resources accessible to participants, post course are previously recorded offerings made available for viewing at your convenience. The content of these archived courses, webinars and other resources are not altered or updated after they are presented live or uploaded to this webpage. As circumstances and information evolve, some content may no longer be accurate or current. Users are reminded to check correctness and applicability of content against current information and circumstances.

uOttawa Department of Radiology, Radiation Oncology and Medical Physics

P: (613) 798-8899 x72084

© 2023 uOttawa Department of Radiology, Radiation Oncology and Medical Physics. All rights reserved.