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Destination: Family Medicine is designed to empower students by offering a wide array of sessions tailored to their interests and goals. With over 20 unique experiences to choose from, students have the freedom to create their own personalized schedule, ensuring a meaningful and engaging experience.

How It Works:

  1. Browse the Session Streams: Explore our extensive list of sessions covering various topics such as military physicians, virtual reality, sports medicine, palliative care, joint injections, ER procedures, and more. Each session is crafted to provide hands-on experience and valuable insights.

  2. Create Your Schedule: Select the series of sessions that align with your interests and aspirations. Please note that there are limited spaces available in each group.

  3. Engage and Participate: Dive into each session with enthusiasm and curiosity. Our sessions are led by experts physicians and residents who are passionate about sharing their knowledge and experiences.

  4. Connect with Peers: This event is not just about learning; it’s also an opportunity to connect with fellow students who share your interests. Build friendships, collaborate on projects, and expand your network.


Session Options:

Group C

  • Contraception: the many options and how they work
  • Family physicians do cancer patient care
  • The peculiar case of the collapsing woman
  • Inside out: staying human in challenging times for teens
  • Deliver a baby!

Group N

  • Sports Medicine: beyond the side lines!
  • Rink-side Emergencies
  • Injections, BP - TB skin test
  • Family Physicians in the Rural ER - trauma management
  • Breaking bad: spot the fracture, and cast it

Group E

  • Reach for the skies! Family physicians as flight surgeons, military physicians
  • Deep Anxiety Dive: Anxiety management sim
  • Family Physicians provide trans-health care
  • Cut, clamp, retract, tie, cauterize, suture: surgical assist!
  • Look inside the human body: Point of Care Ultrasound

Group O

  • Family Medicine Procedures: joint injections
  • Sports Medicine: beyond the side lines!
  • A day in the life of a coroner
  • Deep Anxiety Dive: Anxiety management sim
  • Family Physicians provide trans-health care

Group F

  • Deep Anxiety Dive: Anxiety management sim
  • Family Physicians provide trans-health care
  • “Cutting edge”: Skin biopsies and sutures
  • Paging Dr Watson and Sherlock Holmes for a palliative home visit
  • Rash smash

Group P

  • Helping elderly patients thrive and drive!
  • A day in the life of a coroner
  • Paging Dr Watson and Sherlock Holmes for a palliative home visit
  • Family Physicians provide trans-health care
  • Injections, BP - TB skin test

Group G

  • Inside out: staying human in challenging times for teens
  • Family Medicine Procedures: joint injections
  • Look inside the human body: Point of Care Ultrasound
  • Deliver a baby!
  • Save a life: opioids, naloxone, alcohol use

Group Q

  • Cut, clamp, retract, tie, cauterize, suture: surgical assist!
  • Things that go beep in the night
  • Sports Medicine: beyond the side lines!
  • Look inside the human body: Point of Care Ultrasound
  • Deep Anxiety Dive: Anxiety management sim

Group H

  • Paging Dr Watson and Sherlock Holmes for a palliative home visit
  • Helping elderly patients thrive and drive!
  • Save a life: opioids, naloxone, alcohol use
  • A day in the life of a coroner
  • Family physicians do cancer patient care

Group R

  • Rash smash
  • The peculiar case of the collapsing woman
  • Women’s health: anatomy, pap testing and IUDs
  • Helping elderly patients thrive and drive!
  • “Cutting edge”: Skin biopsies and sutures

Group I

  • Family Physicians in the Rural ER - trauma management
  • Sexual Medicine: More than just the birds and the bees
  • Family Medicine Procedures: joint injections
  • Breaking bad: spot the fracture, and cast it
  • Do you hear what I hear? Blood pressure, murmurs, stethoscopes

Group S

  • Save a life: opioids, naloxone, alcohol use
  • Cut, clamp, retract, tie, cauterize, suture: surgical assist!
  • Inside out: staying human in challenging times for teens
  • Rink-side Emergencies
  • Helping elderly patients thrive and drive!

Group J

  • Breaking bad: spot the fracture, and cast it
  • Contraception: the many options and how they work
  • Cut, clamp, retract, tie, cauterize, suture: surgical assist!
  • Family physicians do cancer patient care
  • Rink-side Emergencies

Group T

  • Family physicians do cancer patient care
  • Reach for the skies! Family physicians as flight surgeons, military physicians
  • Things that go beep in the night
  • Sports Medicine: beyond the side lines!
  • Family Physicians in the Rural ER - trauma management

Group K

  • The peculiar case of the collapsing woman
  • Look inside the human body: Point of Care Ultrasound
  • Rash smash
  • Reach for the skies! Family physicians as flight surgeons, military physicians
  • Contraception: the many options and how they work

Group U

  • Injections, BP - TB skin test
  • Deliver a baby!
  • Rink-side Emergencies
  • Rash smash
  • A day in the life of a coroner

Group L

  • Deliver a baby!
  • Rash smash
  • Sexual Medicine: More than just the birds and the bees
  • Do you hear what I hear? Blood pressure, murmurs, stethoscopes
  • Cut, clamp, retract, tie, cauterize, suture: surgical assist!

Group V

  • Look inside the human body: Point of Care Ultrasound
  • Injections, BP - TB skin test
  • Deliver a baby!
  • Women's health: anatomy, pap testing and IUDs
  • Inside out: staying human in challenging times for teens

Group M

  • Family Physicians provide trans-health care
  • Inside out: staying human in challenging times for teens
  • Deep Anxiety Dive: Anxiety management sim
  • Things that go beep in the night
  • The peculiar case of the collapsing woman

Group X

  • A day in the life of a coroner
  • Paging Dr Watson and Sherlock Holmes for a palliative home visit
  • Family physicians do cancer patient care
  • Family Medicine Procedures: joint injections
  • Women’s health: anatomy, pap testing and IUDs

Group Y

  • Rink-side Emergencies
  • Breaking bad: spot the fracture, and cast it
  • Family Physicians in the Rural ER - trauma management
  • Injections, BP - TB skin test
  • Sports Medicine: beyond the side lines!


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