Outstanding leaderhip certificates

In the recent past, some of our esteemed leaders have moved on to new adventures. The FoM has been very fortunate to have such capable Vice Deans and Chairs at the helm, and we wish them all the best in their new challenges. To formally recognize their outstanding leadership, we would like to present a certificate to those outgoing leaders of the Faculty of Medicine. These certificates will be presented to: 

Dr. Ciarán Duffy, Chair

Department of Pediatrics

Dr. Melissa Forgie, Vice-Dean

Undergraduate Medical Education

Dr. Steve Gilberg, Chair

Department of Ophtalmology

Dr. John Veinot, Chair

Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine

Dr. Mark Walker, Chair

Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology

Dr. Phil Wells, Chair

Department of Medicine


Catherine Dumoulin
