Welcome to the University of Ottawa. We hope you are all settling in to your new programs successfully. The PGME Office has partnered with the Office of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) to provide educational sessions throughout the academic year to you. The PGME Symposia Series Schedule for the 2025-2026 academic year can be found on each tab above, under the appropriate postgraduate year requirement, along with any remaining sessions from the previous academic year. Updates and/or changes to the schedule will be made regularly to this website.

First year residents are required to follow a core series of mandatory educational sessions that have been aligned with the new CanMEDS (2015) competency-based learning framework and are designed to cover multiple aspects of the Professional, Collaborator, Communicator, Leader, Scholar, and Advocate roles. Some sessions will be held in lecture style/classroom settings when applicable, virtual format, and the rest will be offered as online modules. We have protected time in the Foundations schedule for you to complete them. Please review each tab above to see what is required of you each year of residency. These courses are mandatory and must be completed by their indicated deadlines and specific to different programs and postgraduate years. 

First year residents are required to follow a core series of mandatory educational sessions that have been aligned with the new CanMEDS (2015) competency-based learning framework and are designed to cover multiple aspects of the Professional, Collaborator, Communicator, Leader, Scholar, and Advocate roles. Some sessions will be held in lecture style/classroom settings when applicable, virtual format, and the rest will be offered as online modules. We have protected time in the Foundations schedule for you to complete them. Please review each tab above to see what is required of you each year of residency. These courses are mandatory and must be completed by their indicated deadlines and specific to different programs and postgraduate years. 

Brightspace (uOttawa Virtual Campus)

The PGME Symposia Series will be offered in your uOttawa Brightspace account.
To login please be sure to use the Authenticator app and your uOttawa login credentials using the Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA).     We ask that you check your Brightspace account regularly for updates and session communications.